The Foundation of the Foundation
Children awaiting communion at Church of the Ascension, Salida in 1987
Copyright © 1987 by Dick Dixon
Printed by Master Printers, Salida Colorado.
Typesetting and layout by author
Colorado Episcopalians are beneficiaries of remarkable acts of mercy, foresight, and stewardship. More than 130 years ago, the first Bishop of Colorado established St. Luke’s Hospital “For the Care of the Sick and Injured of Every Race and Religion.” In time, and after a successful merger of St. Luke’s with The Presbyterian Hospital of Colorado to form P/SL Hospital, the hospital was sold in 1984. The Colorado Trust was established and both Colorado Episcopalians and Presbyterians became beneficiaries.
By prudent investing and entrepreneurship, the annually distributed funds, entrusted by the Standing Committee to the Foundation, provide operational support to The Episcopal Church in Colorado. These funds cover the Foundation’s operating expenses, as well as finance significant missional ventures, including the purchase of Cathedral Ridge, the development of the St. Francis Center Cornerstone Residences, and the acquisition of land for church plants such as St. Brigit’s in Frederick. These larger projects stand beside the daily activities of supporting parishes to develop vital financial practices, educating and assisting individuals with making stock and other planned gifts, and developing programs to help individuals leave legacy gifts.
Foundation services are provided by experienced staff and are overseen by Trustees who have expertise in finance, law, business, and real estate. The Foundation manages and invests parish and Diocesan funds and supports stewardship efforts spanning from annual financial pledge campaigns to underwriting individual charitable gift annuities. Its workshops, materials, and individualized parish presentations are available to each of the five Regions of The Episcopal Church in Colorado and to every parish. Together, with your help, the Foundation continues its work in revitalizing parish giving and creating a sure future for the next generation.