Legacy & Planned Giving for Individuals
Making a legacy gift is a powerful witness of faith, love and gratitude. This type of gift recognizes the heritage left by those who came before us and acknowledge that we bear a responsibility to future generations to ensure the continuation of God’s work in the Episcopal Church of Colorado.
When you are ready to leave your gift of love to your Church or in support of an Episcopal Institution, the Foundation is here to offer cost-free, personalized, technical and spiritual care in helping you administer and carry out your gift.
How Do I Leave A Legacy Gift?
Make a Bequest in your Will or Trust: You may choose to donate a percentage or a specific dollar amount.
Name the Church as a Beneficiary of a Life Insurance Policy
Name the Church as a Beneficiary of a Retirement Account (IRA, 401k or 403b)
Charitable Lead Trust: Offers significant estate tax benefits.
Cash Gifts: These types of gifts provide a tax deduction and are easy to make if you have liquid assets that are not needed now.
Appreciated Stock, Securities, Real-Estate & Tangible Personal Property Gifts: These types of gifts may offer significant tax benefits.
Charitable Gift Annuity : This type of gift offers the donor guaranteed lifetime fixed income payments and may offer significant tax savings. Click here to view the current rates for gift annuities.
Charitable Gift Annuity
To complete your legacy gift, you must contact your lawyer or financial consultant.
“Legacy gifts state that I believe my Church should continue into the future, as an expression of what has meaning in my life and my bridge to the next generation.”